Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms and Treatments

Blood sugar is also termed as blood glucose. A healthy body obtains glucose not just from carbohydrates, but also from proteins as well as fats in the food. The entire body is adversely affected if the level of blood glucose rises above or falls below its normal levels. Therefore, maintaining a healthy balance of glucose in the body is of utmost importance.
Blood enters the blood stream directly from the intestines. Blood sugar is the condition in which the amount of glucose in the blood deviates from its normal levels. This in turn gives rise to several other ailments, such as eye problems, kidney problems, skin diseases etc.

Types of Blood Sugar

There are two types of Blood Sugar.


Hypoglycemia is caused due to decreased blood glucose levels, which may be the result of insulin therapy or the side effects of


This is a serious condition. A person suffering from hypoglycemia suddenly starts sweating. He starts feeling restless and the body starts trembling. The face becomes pale and the patient might faint, leading to a coma in severe situations – a condition known as Matose. This in turn may lead to paralysis. Therefore, if not treated promptly, hypoglycemia can prove to be extremely dangerous.


First of all, carry out an ultra sound of the pancreas to look for tumors which are often the reason behind hypoglycemia. A cat scan may also be carried out. In case of tumors, get them removed by surgery as soon as possible. Keep performing a glucose level check regularly. Eat small meals at regular intervals with a greater portion of proteins as compared to carbohydrates.


In this disease, antibodies are produced in the blood, which destroy the Beta islet cells responsible for producing insulin. In the absence of insulin, blood glucose levels rise. The most common symptoms of hyperglycemia include feeling thirsty, frequent urination, weight loss and increased blood pressure accompanied by general weakness.


The best solution for hyperglycemia includes regularly checking the blood glucose levels and consulting an expert to carry out the treatment. An excess of glucose in the blood leads to several changes in the body’s metabolism, affecting the kidneys and liver, and the health starts deteriorating. Therefore, the patient must avoid all types of food containing sugar and must adopt a simple diet. The diet must comprise of 50 to 65 percent carbohydrates and less than 30 percent proteins and fats. Extreme care must be taken while receiving insulin therapy as insulin may cause the blood sugar levels to drop rapidly, leading to another set of health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to receive treatment under the supervision of a physician.


  • Exercise regularly. Walking can help you get rid of this disease to a great extent.
  • Avoid putting on weight.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • Avoid eating sugary and fatty food. Make fruits and vegetables a part of your diet.
  • Protect your hands and feet from getting injured. Wear soft shoes for the protection of your feet.
  • Check your sugar level regularly and adopt a balanced diet.


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